返回 【尼基塔】S01E14(02)Nikita找到Jurgen



Jurgen: You certainly don't fight like a banker.

Nikita: You __(1)__ do.

Jurgen: What, are you American? CIA?

Nikita: I'll ask the questions. If you're not working with Gogol, then how are you pulling off the attack?

Jurgen: There is no __(2)__.

Nikita: Get up. Then why is Ari Tasarov here?

Jurgen: He's trying to stop me.

Nikita: Form what?

Jurgen: From __(3)__. I have Gogol’'s weapon. I want to turn myself into U.S. __(4)__ and get immunity, asylum.

Nikita: You.

Jurgen: I tried 3 days ago, and my contact was killed in Berlin.

Nikita: What about the weapon?

Jurgen: It's a dirty bomb, completely undetectable and expressly designed to kill civilians.

Nikita: You built it.

Jurgen: No, Gogol built it. They hired me to __(5)__ it off. And that's why they killed the agent in Berlin. Josephine, he was the only American agent that I trusted. And I've been trying to find someone else. And now I have. This is the part where you lower the gun?

Nikita: Show me the weapon first.


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