返回 【尼基塔】S01E16(01) Amanda想要挖掘Alex的秘密



Amanda: Good. This process works much better when the subject is lucid. Instead of a word here or there, we'll get full __(1)__.

Michael: Okay, so we don't know what the Russians even gave her, and you're pumping her full of another __(2)__?

Amanda: Ibogaine is a hallucinogen that's used to treat opiate addiction. It will ease her withdrawal __(3)__ and remove any cravings. And I'll be here the entire time to personally monitor her progress.

Michael: Because you care that much, right?

Amanda: Ibogaine has an interesting side __(4)__. Patients experience a sort of waking dream state. Most people replay traumatic life events or see visions __(5)__ their deepest fears. Or, under the right circumstances, they can see visions I suggest to them.

Michael: So you're using rehab to run an interrogation.

Amanda: I'm multi – tasking. Alex is hiding something about her past. She has been from the moment we recruited her.

Michael: Well, this is your chance to find out. By taking a crowbar to her subconscious.

Amanda: Division agents don't get to keep secrets.


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