返回 【尼基塔】S01E15(02)Michael和Nikita的争执



Nikita: Frontal assault's not gonna work. We need a diversion to flush them out.

Michael: That's the __(1)__ we used with Kasim in Uzbekistan and it didn't work.

Nikita: Well, it would have, except you __(2)__ your position.

Michael: To save your life.

Nikita: I didn’'t need saving.

Michael: Yes, you did. __(3)__, you were in a bad way.

Nikita: When are you gonna realize I can take care of myself? What?

Michael: You don't need me to save you, but you stopped me from getting Kasim in the airport because you just had to save me.

Nikita: That was different. You were committing __(4)__. I was trying to save you from yourself.

Michael: God, you just don't get it, do you? Nikita, I had him. I was past security. I was on the tarmac. In five more seconds, that shiv would have been between his __(5)__ and I would have been the one pushing it in, looking at him as he realized it was me. Then I would have been gone and nobody would have seen anything. That is what you took from me.

Nikita: I couldn't have known you were that close. All I knew is you could have easily been killed. I didn't think –

Michael: That is it with you. You don't think. You just do. Nikita the righteous.

Nikita: Fine. Yes, that's me. You think you know me so well, Michael? What I did I did out of… Not wanting to see you get hurt.


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