返回 【尼基塔】S01E14(03)Michael的突然来访



Michael: You'll have to let us know the next time you have a gig. Maybe we can make a company outing, write it off as market research. Thank you.

Nathan: What type of marketing do you guys do? Alex doesn't talk much about work.

Alex: I like to keep my work life at work and not to __(1)__ me home at night.

Michael: Well, our specialty is __(2)__ marketing. We create memorable personal experiences that keep the customers coming back for more.

Nathan: It must pay well. I know that rents are __(3)__ in this building.

Michael: Oh, yeah. The company pays for all this. Apartment, car, wardrobe.

Alex: I'm a lucky girl.

Michael: Well, they are tools of the trade.

Nathan: Trade.

Michael: Alex is like a __(4)__ ambassador. Her image is key component of what we sell. And it has to live up to the expectations of our clientele.

Nathan: And what kind of expectations are we talking about here?

Michael: You know, the usual. Attractive, available, and always up for a good time. You see, the marketing is always about wish __(5)__. That's exactly what Alex does. She makes her clients' every wish come true.


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