返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E07(05)The Homecoming Hangover



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B: Ella. Ella. Ella, slow down. Ella, listen. Do you want to go somewhere and figure out how we're gonna deal with this?
E: Deal with what?
B: Mike has never picked a fight before in his life.
E: Well,      1   
B: Did you know that Aria had been skipping her classes?
E: Did I know? As in, am I not keeping close enough tabs on our children?
B: No, I'm not--
E:      2   
B: No, I am not being critical, okay? I'm just saying that I think that we should be putting the focus on them right now, not us.
E: We made a decision.
B: Yeah.      3    Okay, look, I'm not moving out now. They need us.
E: You don't get to play Mr. Moral when you're the one who threw this family into chaos. They'll get through this. They're angry and confused because we're angry and confused.      4   
B: Well, they can rely on us.
E: Maybe. Someday. But it's not gonna help them to pretend like everything is fine between us, because it's not.      5   
B: Well, I don't want to leave.
E: Well, I don't want you to stay.




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