返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E08(05)Talk About Me When I'm Gone



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S: Who do you think killed Alison?
J: The police like Toby Cavanaugh. If they can't find him, they'll start liking someone else.
S:      1   
J: Does it really matter?
S:      2   
J: My mom still needs pills to get to sleep. When they don't work, you can hear her walking around the house at three in the morning. You think you're ever really gonna have closure? I mean, aren't you always going to be "the friend of that girl who was murdered"?
S:      3   
J:      4   
They solve it or they don't, that's not going to change, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
S: But what about justice?
J: You don't really want to bring justice into this, do you?
S: Why not?
J: Alison told me about the fire. About how you said the five of you should all go over and teach Toby a lesson.      5    How you even threatened Toby if he told the truth.
S: Alison told you that?
J: Yes, she did.
S: Did you believe her?




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