返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E08(01)Talk About Me When I'm Gone



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D: Hello, Hanna. Principal's office said I could find you in here.
H: Well,      1   
D: Actually, yeah. I was wondering if Emily had heard anything from Toby Cavanaugh since he went missing.
H: Do I look like Emily? Ask her.
D:      2   
H: Well, you were wrong.
D: Alison's brother's in town. You knew that, didn't you?
H: Jason. And, yes, I know. He's here for the dedication of Ali's memorial.
D: Oh, he's here for more than that, Hanna. He came into my office yesterday.      3   
H: I'm pretty sure he's entitled to that.
D: It's a small town, Hanna.      4   
H: Yeah. Tell me about it.
D: Look... I understand you might have some issues with me, but I hope you also understand that whatever you tell Jason Dilaurentis might end up being very embarrassing for your mother.      5   
H: You know, I'm a little hazy about this whole "right and wrong" thing. Are you saying I should or I shouldn't tell Jason that the cop who's investigating his sister's murder used to hang around in my house wearing a towel?




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