返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E08(03)Talk About Me When I'm Gone



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J: He means well, but he needs to know who's in charge.
S: I think we all know that.
J: Okay, is there a problem?
E: There's no problem. You're Alison's brother.      1   But you're not the only one dealing with this.
J: See, there's that closed door again. The secrets of the girls cuddled up in Alison's bedroom.      2   
E: No.      3   
D: Right here.
S: What are they doing?
E: That's Toby's locker.
J: Detective Wilden.
D: You'll find this interesting. We're having a look in Toby Cavanaugh's locker.
J: Why? Do you think he's hiding in there?
D: He's a suspect.
J: Well, your investigation better turn up more than Toby Cavanaugh's old gym socks.
D:      4   You said you wanted action. I'm trying to give that to you.
J: Yeah, you've got nothing. I realized that yesterday.
D: Sometimes, Jason, we withhold information on the progress of an investigation to avoid any interruptions.
J:      5   
D: Toby Cavanaugh called your sister's cell phone the night she disappeared. I checked the phone records. She took the call.
E: Toby called Alison the night she died?
D: He did.




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