返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E11(05)Moments Later



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P: How are we gonna fix this?
C: Fix it? This is not like buying her braces. It's who she is.
P: That's not who she is.      1   
C:      2   
P: This is wrong. This is completely wrong, and you know it.
C: Do you think I like this? I don't. But when I went in there, I didn't know what she was gonna tell me. I thought, sweet God, what is this? Drugs? This Toby kid get her pregnant? Let's just keep this in perspective.
P:      3   
C: She is struggling with this. I can see it.
P: And I can't?
C: No, that's not what I'm saying.
P: Well, then what are you saying?     4    Let her ruin her life so she can experiment? What happened to you? What happened to your values?      5   
C: I told you I don't like this. But she is alive and healthy, and after everything I've seen, alive and healthy counts for a lot, believe me.




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