返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E11(04)Moments Later



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C: Do you remember Dennis Small?
E: Yeah.
C: He told me that he heard you've been calling the station, that you're trying to visit this Toby Cavanaugh. Do you wanna tell me why you're trying to talk to this boy?
E: I want him to know that it wasn't me who told the police where to find him.
C:      1   
E: No.
C: What is it? Your mother thinks you're keeping some kind of secret.      2    At first, I thought it was 'cause I hadn't been around, but that's not it. Something's eating you.
E: It's like you said, I'm just a little jumpy.
C: You tell me who's giving you a hard time, and I will take care of it.
E: It's not like that.
C:      3    Right? There's nothing to be ashamed about.
E: Dad...
C: I'm gonna talk to Toby Cavanaugh myself. I'm gonna put an end to it.
E: I'm not afraid of Toby.
C: You're afraid of something. I can see it in your eyes. Now, what is it?
E: I'm afraid of you and mom.
C: Why are you afraid of us?
E:      4   
C: You're Emily fields, my little girl. I'd know you anywhere.      5   
E: I'm eight years old in that picture. That's a different girl.
C: It's the same girl. We just need a new picture.
E: It's not that simple.
C: Emily...
E: I'm gay.




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