返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E12(01)Salt Meets Wound



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A: So, do you like? I could go back and get the one with a buiot-in heating pad.
H: What happened to the no-spending zone?
A: Honey, you are gonna be on the couch a lot.      1   
H:      2    And now you're...
A: I told you, things are better now.      3   
H: In a lasagna box?
A: As I see, you've had time to go exploring while I was out.
H: Mom, there are thousands of dollars in there.
A: Hanna...      4   
H: Where'd it come from?
A: The bank. It is a loan. Unauthorized.
H: Yeah, but what does that mean?
A: It means just what I said.      5    Because it's all gonna be replaced by the end of the year.
H: So you stole it?
A: Listen to me. This is our lifeline. I was able to get our mortgage current, and what's left in this box is our cushion. And I will pay it all back. All of it.




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