返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E12(02)Salt Meets Wound



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V: No, honey, leave the boxes there for now. Do not call her.      1    Okay. Bye.
S: What's going on?
V: Ian had all his boxes delivered this morning from his storage unit.
S: It couldn't wait till they got back?
V: I'm guessing he and Melissa Probably want to get a jumpstart on settling in.      2   
S: Because you're not. You and dad are acting as if you're totally okay with this whole elopement thing. You don't think this was rushed?
V: Of course it's rushed. It's outrageous. I'm not dancing a jig over it. But what's done is done.     3    Oh, honey, would you hold this? I'm buzzing. Oh, speak of the devil.
S: Ian?
V: Mnh. Melissa. Another picture. The honeymooners.
S: Where are they?
V: Looks like that mall near dad's office. Well.      4   
S: You don't think it's weird, Melissa trading in her princess gown and pink champagne for a food court slurpee?
V: Spencer.      5    Maybe you could just be happy for her.




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