返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E19(11)What Becomes of the Broken-Heart


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E: Did they give something for the pain?
J: Yeah, but it's making me thirsty.
E: Here. You're really lucky, Jason.      1     
J: Yeah. This time you and Spencer were right about the N.A.T. Club.     2     I don't have the picture anymore. It's gone. Hey, can you get me some more water?
E: Yeah, sure.
A: Emily, what happened? Where's Jason?
H:      3     
E: There's a photo of Ali and Cece and Wilden. It was taken on Wilden's boat that summer in Cape May.
H: Well, show it to us.
E: I can't.      4     
H: What?
A: Is Jason okay?
S: Can we see him?
E: Yeah, he's over there.      5     
S: I'll do it. I'm sorry.
E: Me too.
W: Excuse me! Where's your friend?
E: What?
W: The patient in bed 3, Jason Dilaurentis. Where'd he go?


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