返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E22(6)Will the Circle Be Unbroken?


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E: Here you go.
B: Oh. Thank you.
E: Please, have a seat. I didn't send her to ask for any favors.
B: No, I know that.
E: I-I didn't swear her to secrecy about what's going on, but I never told her to ask for help. I don't want you or Ella to think that I would do that.
B: W-we know that you didn't.
E:      1     
B: Oh, don't be angry at Aria. She wanted to help.
E: Oh, no, I-I'm not angry with her. I couldn't be.      2     
B: Well.      3     
E: Why did you come here today?
B: I talked to the dean.     4     And, uh, I'm afraid that there isn't. But I still want to help you, if I can.
E: Because?
B: Could just be habit.      5     
E: There's no shortage of bad judgment in this world.
B: Tell me about your son.


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