返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E23(1)I'm Your Puppet


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H: The park rangers found a body.
A&E: Hannah!
H: What?      1     
E: What Hannah is trying to say is we have good news. They found a body in the woods.      2     
S: It was Toby.
A: No, Spence, it wasn't. This person, he'd been missing for a while and he was nowhere near where you thought you saw--
S: I know what I saw. It was Toby.
A: Hey, so, um, I was thinking tomorrow night when you get home, we could all--
S: I need to stay here.      3     
H: Time for what?
E: Hannah.
H: Shuffling around in Mona's old slippers isn't gonna get her any better.
A: Hannah, chill.
H: You know what...      4     I had sneaked around in that kitchen, and I saw a roach big enough to wear an apron.
A: Moving on.
H: You are not crazy. This place is.
S: I'm too tired to have this fight right now, guys. I feel safe here. Okay. Those bars don't just keep you from getting out.     5     


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