返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E23(2)I'm Your Puppet


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H: Have you seen my make-up bag?
E: I don't know. But I think everything that was in it is on my pillow.
H: Okay, don't start. I only slept for, like, 20 minutes.
E:      1     
H: Because Wilden knows I'm staying here.
E: That's what you're thinking about? I'm having dreams about our friend having her head shaved, and you're looking--
H: I have lots of other things that are keeping me up at night, okay Emily? If that car I dunked suddenly learns how to float, then--
E: If Wilden's looking for his car, then he's not A. Okay, besides cars don't float, if they did, pilgrims could have driven here.      2     
P: Ladies, you better get hopping, or you're not going to have time for breakfast.
H: Oh, none for me, thanks.
P: You know I love her, but somebody's got to teach that girl the word "Fold."
E:      3     
P: Honey, look. I know it's hard seeing a friend suffer, but if the doctor's think she--
E: Doctors aren't helping Spencer. Okay, she still believes that was Toby.
P: Well, you can't get caught up in that kind of thinking.      4     
E: Mom! Okay, you work at the precinct, can you at least tell me when you know more about the body?
P: Look, if it'll help you move on from this, then yes.      5     


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