返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十八集(7)Elena&Stefan&Caroline




Caroline: So Sage and this Troy guy die within an hour of Finn.

Elena: But why? Were they bitten by a hybrid, or...

Caroline:         1         Maybe Sage was so in love with Finn, she just died of sadness.

Elena: No, that doesn't explain Troy.

Stefan: It's the blood, the bloodline. It has to be. Think about it. Finn turned Sage, Sage turned Troy.        2       

Caroline: Wait, so,        3         Because that would mean…

Elena: If the originals die, so do all of you. The entire vampire species would just be dead.


Caroline: Vampire disposal, not my strong suit. Ugh. Where did Stefan go?

Elena: Trading the stakes for Damon.

Caroline: All of them?

Elena: No. Not all of them. We still have, uh, enough to kill three out of the four of them, if we can figure out who to save.

Caroline: Oh.        4       

Elena: I have no idea. You were turned with Damon's blood and Damon and Stefan were turned by Katherine, and we know that Katherine was turned by a vampire named Rose.

Caroline: Well, who turned Rose?

Elena: We don't know. But it can only lead back to one original, and if the odds are in our favor, hopefully it won't be Klaus, so we can still kill him.

Caroline: Elena...        5       

Elena: Oh, my god, Tyler. If we kill Klaus, then Tyler will die.


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