返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十八集(9)Stefan&Elena


Damon去找Alaric 拿木桩了,留下StefanElena在家里谈心。


不用标序号,连着写就行了哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...


Elena: Hey.

Stefan: Hey.

Elena: You haven't said much since you got back home.

Stefan: I'll be a ball of sunshine once Damon gets Alaric's stake back. Promise.

Elena: You really scared me today. You wouldn't have survived if you went up against Klaus on your own. You know that, right?

Stefan: Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore.

Elena: Why?

Stefan: Because he's not worth it. All this time and energy that I've wasted hating him, it was for nothing. It's done. It's over. We lost.       1      

Elena: That's not true. Yeah, Klaus dragged you through hell. But you came out the other side.      2      

Stefan: And what did I lose in the process? Look, hating Klaus was easy. It allowed me to ignore everything that was happening around me. Everything I let slip away.      3      

Elena: Stefan...

Stefan: No, just admit it. Admit it to me, Elena. And I know you don't owe it to me, but I just need to hear you say it.

Elena: I--I can't, because it's not true. Stefan...I never stopped loving you.

Stefan: I know that.      4        It's my fault. It's all my fault. I mean, this was all my fault.

Elena: What are you talking about?

Stefan: I'm talking about the fact that you're also in love with Damon.

Elena: What? No. Stefan, I was just…

Stefan: I love you. I will always love you.      5      

Elena: I don't know what I feel.



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