返回 【CRI新闻填空】331 中俄贸易合作 中美双向投资保护协议


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2.本期新闻摘要: 中俄贸易合作 中美双向投资保护协议 保险 毒胶囊披露

China, Russia sign 27 contracts worth 15 billion USD

China and Russia have signed 27 trade contracts worth 15 billion U.S. dollars.Vice Premier Li Keqiang attended the signing ceremony of the contracts before a meeting on China-Russia trade and investment. Addressing the meeting, Li Keqiang proposed that both China and Russia endeavor together to further promote their trade and economic cooperation. Earlier Li Keqiang met Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to discuss how to deepen the Sino-Russian____1____  .

China, U.S. to resume negotiations on two-way investment protection deal

China and the United States will hold the seventh round of technical-level negotiations on a two-way investment protection agreement soon.Chinese Vice Minister of Finance Zhu Guangyao told reporters in Beijing that the upcoming fourth round of the China-U.S. Economic Dialogue, under the framework of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED), will____2____ . He said the two countries attach great importance to the resumption of the negotiations and have held six rounds of talks with the promotion of the S&ED.

China's legislature concludes bimonthly session

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, has concluded its bimonthly session and passed the law on servicepeople's insurance.President Hu Jintao signed a presidential decree to promulgate the decision. The law, the country's first act concerning the welfare of servicepeople and their spouses, ____3____. The law exempts service members from paying premiums for their death and injury insurance and provides that premiums will be covered by the state.

China reveals producers of chromium-tainted gel capsules

Products from 15 gel capsule producers have been found to contain excessive levels of chromium, according to a nationwide investigation into edible gelatin and gel capsule production conducted by China's State Food and Drug Administration.The administration says eighteen producers of edible gelatin were investigated, and one batch of one company's products was found to contain excessive levels of chromium, 74 batches of products from 15 gel capsule producers were also found to contain excessive amounts of chromium. The ____4____of the chromium-tainted products. Moreover, the producers of chromium-tainted products will be investigated by police and____5____.


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