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2.本期新闻摘要: 中俄合作关系 外交部:南海争议不是中美之间的问题 欧洲反贴补 埃及沙特证实拉登家人已回到沙特 台湾个人游 农业部:“农药残留茶叶”未超标 或因土壤气候 敲诈网站

Chinese vice premier meets with Russian business people

Visiting Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang has met with Russian business people in Moscow and expressed his hopes for advancing China-Russia trade and economic cooperation. He hoped major Russian enterprises, ____1____. The vice premier also attended a signing ceremony of bilateral trade and economic agreements and 27 trade contracts were signed, worthy of over 15 billion U.S. dollars in value. After Russia, Li Keqiang will also visit Hungary, Belgium and the European Union headquarters in Brussels.

China dismisses Japan's claim of UN backing in continental shelf extension

China has dismissed Japan's claim of UN backing in its extension of continental shelf, saying that Japan's claim was baseless.A Chinese foreign ministry official says the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf has not announced its decision concerning the case of the outer limits of Japan's continental shelf. He says China____2____, the Okinotori atoll shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.

EU anti-subsidy probe on Chinese bikes abuses policies: MOC

China's Ministry of Commerce says the European Commission's decision to start an anti-subsidy investigation into imported bikes from China is____3____ .The ministry says____4____  , adding that China's small market share in the EU, around 2 to 3 percent, could in no way cause harm to local manufacturers. It says China will closely watch the investigation's progress and reserve its right to implement countermeasures within the WTO framework.

Egypt's military chief calls Saudi king over ambassador withdrawal

Egypt's ruling military council chief Hussein Tantawi has talked with Saudi authorities on phone after the Gulf nation decided to withdraw its ambassador over recent protests outside the embassy. Tantawi called Saudi King Abdullah and Prime Minister Abdullah bin Abdul- Aziz in a bid to resolve the crisis. Earlier Saturday, Saudi Arabia announced its decision to recall its ambassador to Egypt and close its embassy in Cairo and consulates in Alexandria and Suez.The decision came after Friday's minor demonstrations outside the Saudi embassy, which protested the detention of an Egyptian lawyer in the Saudi city of Jeddah____5____ .

Taiwan opens individual tourism to six more mainland cities

Residents in six mainland cities on Saturday were given official permission to visit Taiwan individually under a cross-Strait agreement, adding to the previously approved cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen.The move to give approval to the six cities of Tianjin, Nanjing, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Chengdu is expected to____6____  , as well as boost cross-Strait relations.

Officials say Chinese tea products safe

Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture say China's tea products have a high safety level overall and the country's____7____ .Jian Qiu, a researcher from the ministry's pesticide examination office says China's standards for pesticide residue levels were made in full accordance with principles set down by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the food consumption habits of Chinese people. He says since different countries have different consumption capacities, climates, plant diseases and insect pests, it is impossible to compare one country's pesticide residue standards with those of another country.

42 Chinese websites closed in blackmail cases

Chinese authorities have announced the closure of 42 websites involved in blackmail cases that saw them pose as accredited journalists capable of disclosing their victims' "negative information."They were found to have____8____ .A source with the State Internet Information Office says the websites were operated under false names of government agencies or public welfare institutions and with fabricated press badges. Those involved will be punished, according to the officie.


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