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2.本期新闻摘要: 希腊失业上升 美贸易赤字缩小 手足口病 电力供应

Greece unemployment high

New statistics show the unemployment rate in Greece has reached a fresh high of 23 per cent.According to figures released by the National Statistics Service, the highest rate was registered among 15-24 year olds at 52 per cent.34 year old Michalis lost his job at a supermarket two years ago.'There is always hope. But in Greece you see how things are, you cannot always save, save, save, that is why we want a united Europe, there has to be a social network,____1____  ."Greece now has the second highest unemployment rate in the Eurozone, behind Spain.The IMF will send a team to Athens on July 24 to discuss the bailout conditions.

US trade deficit narrows in May

The US trade deficit has narrowed in May from April, as cheaper oil lowered the value of imports, while exports to Europe and China rose.The Commerce Department said the trade gap, the difference between imports and exports, fell 3.8% in May.Exports rose  ____2____with a rise of 5.2% to China and 2.6% to Europe respectively.

Cambodia deadly disease identified as HFMD

The deadly disease plaguing Cambodian children has been identified as a severe form of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD).78 cases from have been identified, with most of the children being under three years old. Most were already____3____.

Local govt closes Weiqiao power plant

A thermal power plant owned by Weiqiao Pioneering has been shut down by the local government.The decision comes after Weiqiao Pioneering agreed to sell the plant to a state-owned Company for nearly 700 million yuan (or $110 million) last month.
Media reports said that the Shandong-based company ____4____ nearly one-third lower than the State Grid.At present the country's electricity supply is still____5____ .


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