返回 【CRI新闻填空】336 中国渔政船反复巡航钓鱼岛海域


1.【CRI新闻】系列听写,选用中国国际广播电台(China Radio International)的相关国际新闻内容。
2.本期新闻摘要: 南海问题与朝鲜核问题 海南历年最大规模船队赴南沙捕捞 中国渔政船反复巡航钓鱼岛海域  俄反对西方制裁叙利亚 叙西部城市哈马(Hama)反政府武装的武器已被政府军缴获

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on South China Sea and North Korea nuclear issue

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi says China hopes all parties will work together to create a code of conduct concerning the South China Sea issue.Speaking at the ASEAN Regional Forum Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Cambodia, Yang reiterated that China's sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and____1____  .The foreign minister stressed that the South China Sea is an important shipping route for China as 60 percent of its external trade goes through it.

30-vessel fishing fleet heading for Nansha Islands

A fleet of 30 fishing vessels have left south China's Hainan Province for the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea.The fleet, departing from the city of Sanya, will spend 20 days fishing near the Yongshu Reef.Among the vessels are a 3,000-tonne replenishment ship and 29 ships weighing in at more than 140 tonnes, making the fishing fleet one of the largest in the province's history.Authorities say that China's ____2____.

Chinese patrol ships encounter Japanese vessels near Diaoyu Islands

Three Chinese fishery patrol ships ____3____Japanese Coast Guard ships in waters near the Diaoyu Islands on Wednesday.Fishery authorities say the Chinese patrol ships encountered the vessels during a routine patrol and were asked by the Japanese  to leave the area.The Chinese ships ____4____  in Chinese waters. They continued their patrol.The China Fishery Administration Bureau has included areas near the Diaoyu Islands in its regular patrols since 2010.

Russia not to support new western resolution on Syria

The Russian government says it will not allow the UN Security Council to pass any new resolutions imposing sanctions against Syria.Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov says such a resolution is unbalanced by only requiring the Syrian to fulfill its obligations.Gatilov's comment came following word that the UK and the US want to evoke Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, allowing the imposition of economic and diplomatic sanctions against Syria.Russia is drafting its own Resolution on Syria. It proposes extending the UN observer Mission in Syria for another three months.Both Russia and China have____5____ the Assad government.

Clashes erupt in Hama, 200 allegedly killed

More than 2-hundred people are reportedly killed in Syria's Hama province.
Most of the people killed are from the town of Traimseh of central Hama.Syria's state media is____6____ .However, opposition activists say government helicopters and tanks carried were involved,Pro-government militia Shabiha were reported to have entered the village and carried out execution-style killings.Reports are suggesting that government troops were trying to take back the village from opposition forces.


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