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1.【CRI新闻】系列听写,选用中国国际广播电台(China Radio International)的相关国际新闻内容。
2.本期新闻摘要: 中国欲与东盟继续发展友好合作伙伴关系 中国拒绝日本对钓鱼岛干预 叙利亚政局持续动荡  安南安理会发表讲话 西班牙矿工马德里示威抗议 比利亚声援支持罢工

Chinese FM vows to foster frienship,partnership with ASEAN neighbors

The Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has reaffirmed China's commitment to the peaceful development and fostering of friendships and partnerships with its neighbors.Speaking at the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Yang stressed that the international financial crisis had led to China and ASEAN having common interests and responsibilities.These included ____1____ in Asia.

Chinese vice FM briefs media on China-ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting

The Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying has briefed the media on the outcome of the China-ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting held in PHNOM PENH Wednesday.Fu Ying said that foreign ministers from China and ASEAN countries reviewed progress in implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.The Chinese side stressed that the Declaration was jointly signed by China and ASEAN countries, and believes it should be honored by all members. Otherwise, China said, it will undermine mutual trust.Some ASEAN countries ____2____ .The Chinese side says it will seriously consider the proposal and hopes to start discussion on it when the time is ripe.

China refuses Japan's representation over Diaoyu Islands

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman says that China does not accept a protest lodged by Japan over Chinese fishery vessels patroling waters just off the Diaoyu Islands.At a daily news briefing, spokesman Liu Weimin confirmed that 3 Chinese ships are now on patrol around the Diaoyu Islands."The Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been China's inherent territory since ancient times. Chinese  ____3____Chinese law."Liu added that the vessels were making routine patrols aimed at strengthening fisheries management as the season draws to a close.The patrols come amid new tensions with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, with the Japan they're going to buy part of the islands.Chinese fishing boats have been patroling the Diaoyu Islands since 2010.

China Backs Role for Regional Countries in Syria Talks

A Foreign Ministry spokesman says that a solution to the Syrian conflict will require participation and support from regional countries, particularly those that have an influence on relevant parties in Syria.Spokesman Liu Weimin made the remark at a regular press briefing when asked to comment on Iran's role in ending the Syrian conflict.Kofi Annan, the UN-Arab League joint envoy for Syria, said in Tehran that Iran could play a positive role in solving the Syrian crisis and should be part of the solution, while the United States has____4____  in Syria.

Annan briefing UN Security Council after trips to Iran and Iraq

Also Kofi Annan has brief the UN Security Council on Wednesday Annan said the Council is____5____  in Syria.He revealed that France, Britain and the United States are preparing a new resolution.Russia is also preparing its own resolution, calling for the UN observer mission to be extended by 3 more months.

72 injured in demonstrations in Madrid

At least 72 people - including 33 police officers - were injured during rioting in the Spanish capital Madrid on Wednesday.Violence broke out during a demonstration in support of the threatened Spanish mining industry. It was attended by some 500,000 people from across the country and supported by many ordinary Spaniards____6____ .Clashes erupted when protesters threw stones at security forces, who responded by firing rubber bullets. Five people were arrested and three suffered minor injuries.The violence coincided with Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's announcement that sales tax would rise by 3 percent and local governments would have their budgets slashed.


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