返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E18(07)Dead to Me


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A: Why was the husband of your physics teacher trying to strangle you?
W:      1     
A: Oh, I'd love to, but what exactly would I be blaming her for?
W: Ezra taught me how to drive, but he never taught me how to get away from our family.
A:      2     
W: I thought so too. When Ezra left home, our mom was furious. So was I. It took me a long time to realize I wasn't angry at him for leaving. I was pissed because he didn't take me with him.
A: Why did you wanna go with him?
W: Because he's not the only one with dreams. But if I was gonna get free, I'd have to do it on my own. So I thought getting thrown out of prep school would be a good start. If I failed enough courses, broke enough rules...
A: What happened?
W:      3     
A: Still brings us back to the man that you hit with our leftover pizza.
W: Yeah, desperate times call for desperate measures. I went for the one really crazy thing I knew would cause maximum trouble.
A:      4     
W: Who is very attractive, in an intellectual cougar sort of way.
A: Well, did it work?
W: Academic suspension and an irate husband. That's why I'm hiding here.
A:      5     
W: Look, before Ezra, my family was as predictable as the tides. One day Ezra just had enough and walked out. My mom hurled lightning bolts, but he survived. And more important, he found you. He found you and said, "That's who I want." You're the most amazing part of this. That's why my mother hates you.
A: Why?
W: Because you're unexpected.


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